From the test, several conclusion are made as follows: ( 1) the synthetic buckling safety factor of dam shoulder and foundation of Jinping ⅰ hydro-power station are determined as 4.68-4.94 and the security of the engineering is evaluated; 通过研究获得以下成果:(1)锦屏一级工程坝基坝肩综合稳定安全度,其值为4.68~4.94,由此评价了工程坝基坝肩的安全性;
Paper considers the influence of initial geometry defect using plate and shell finite elements, studies the ultimate carrying capacity of thick plate-welded or stiffened box-section compression bars and suggests reasonable buckling safety factor. 本文利用板壳单元,考虑几何初始缺陷和残余应力影响,对厚板焊接箱形压杆和带有加劲肋的箱形压杆的极限承载力进行了研究,并给出了建议的稳定安全系数取值。